Camilla’s favorite childhood memory and why she chooses allergy-friendly ingredients

Camilla’s favorite childhood memory and why she chooses allergy-friendly ingredients

It all started with..

 allergy-friendly cleaning sustainable cleaning

 A dish brush! As a child I loved helping with the dishes. The feeling of warm water on my hands, the clean smell of soap and the satisfying sight of something dirty becoming clean. My parents would stand next to me and we would all talk about the day that had passed and the day that was yet to come. 

The dish brush turned into a duster, which turned into a cloth and a bucket of soap. As I got older I was allowed to help with more and more of the cleaning chores at home, and I loved it! To be able to put all my energy into an activity and to work together with my mom to get something clean filled me with joy. 

This love of cleaning led to the creation of my cleaning company at the age of 18, while I was studying at university. It was then, that I was confronted by a problem that the 5-year-old me never thought about - all the chemical perfumes and harsh chemicals that cleaning products contained! I was really missing effective but mild cleaning products that not only were free of harsh chemicals, but also contained ingredients that were nurturing for the skin. This was impossible to find.  

 sustainable cleaning 

So, what do you do when you can’t find your ideal cleaning products, ones that are gentle on the skin and the environment, and with an aesthetic design that makes you want to leave them standing out? You make them yourself! That’s why I spent 5 years developing products that only contain the best ingredients that are mild and allergy-friendly - something that the 5-year old me would be proud of!

Now I have a daughter that’s 5 years old and she’s taking after her mother. I love to see her run around and wipe things clean with the same fascination that I once had. I’m grateful that she is now able to use cleaning products that contain nurturing ingredients that are mild on her skin and on the planet she will be living on for many years to come. 

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